
Weave 2.6 Released

Weave 2.6.0 has been released on 8 November 2019. This is important news for customers who are using version 2.5.x as it means we will now only be providing hotfixes for 2.5 releases, and any new or enhanced functionality will be provided as part of 2.6.x releases

Note that the Weave 2.6.0 upgrade was aimed at modernising the Java and Jetty foundation components in line with our continuous improvement program and road map. By updating the Weave foundation frameworks we are able to continuously innovate to provide the expected business capability in an ever changing world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to upgrade to Weave 2.6.0?

Not immediately, but we recommend you start planning for this upgrade soon. Information on how to upgrade can be found on our wiki https://bit.ly/32GrJdo.

What is the benefit of upgrading to Weave 2.6.0?

You will take advantage of more modern Java and Jetty frameworks, which will result in improved performance and capability. Also, you will be able to take advantage of any new functionality developed in Weave.

What new capability/functionality is available in Weave 2.6.0?

The Weave 2.6.0 release has exactly the same functionality as 2.5.30. New release capability can be found on our “What’s New” wiki page https://bit.ly/33EFAlS

How do I upgrade to Weave 2.6.0?

You must install Weave 2.6 to a new location, but you can copy your existing 2.5 configuration over to the new installation and you do not need to uninstall your previous Weave 2.5 instance. Information on how to upgrade can be found on our wiki https://bit.ly/32GrJdo.

Can I upgrade to Weave 2.6.0 myself?

Yes, however some knowledge of your Weave infrastructure and networks is required. To perform the initial installation, you will require the Weave installer .jar file. This can be downloaded from Latest Downloads page https://bit.ly/2KcZKvH if you have a current support subscription.

What if I have custom bundles?

Custom bundles can be migrated to 2.6 easily and quickly, however, that will only be the case while the 2.6 code is still basically the same as 2.5. As more developments are made in 2.6 the less likely it will be that a 2.5 bundle will work with 2.6, which may mean there could be more effort required to get older bundles working.

Can Cohga assist me to upgrade to Weave 2.6.0?

Absolutely. Cohga has a professional services team who can work with you to devise, plan and execute your upgrade strategy. Upgrade effort will be determined by your requirements and your IT/IS rules of engagement as well as on the number of systems you have and the complexity of those system. A typical upgrade conducted by Cohga should take no more than 3 – 5 days. In addition, Cohga provides a 30-day warranty on all our upgrade services so you can have peace of mind that issues will be resolved quickly and effectively if they arise.

For further details and upgrade service enquiries please contact:

Peter James
Business Development Manager
Mobile: +61 (0)400 385 131
Email: pjames@cohga.com

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