
Nearmap WMS 2.0 – Important Update

Nearmap WMS 2.0

As of August 2022 Nearmap have updated their WMS server, they have referred to this update as "WMS 2.0" but this is not a change to the WMS version supported by Nearmap, it is still 1.1.1, and is just used to indicate a new implementation of their server.

This change will break existing Weave toc model configurations for the Nearmap WMS map engines, since the change involved the renaming of all of the layers in Nearmap. The Nearmap WMS map engine in Weave still works as it did before, but you will need to update any toc models you have that relate to the Nearmap map engine to reflect the new layer names.

Note that you should ensure the id attribute for each toc model entry remains the same after the update so as to not break any bookmarks.

Please review the Cohga Wiki Page for the most recent information and updates on Nearmap.

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